
Advice for First Year University Students

University life can become one of the most exciting and meaningful phases of your life if you balance the good and bad sides equally. It is a period of socialising, self-development, learning and most importantly, growing up. The first year or teething stage, however, is a little stressful because of small issues that can be easily rectified, if well guided. Tips for first year University students to make their lives smooth and easy-going are:


  • Attend lectures regularly

Once your orientation is over, it is essential that you develop a habit of being regular with your lectures. This will keep your attendance complete and help you understand important information about your course. Also, make sure you attend tutorials to keep your grades high.


  • Engage with people

Everyone else is sailing in the same boat as you are. So, go ahead and make meaningful conversations with students, starting from the first day. Having made good friends will help make your college life worth remembering.


  • Know your teachers and seniors well

It is important for you to build a good rapport with your seniors and teachers because these are the people whom you can turn to in times of course related difficulties.


  • Don’t leave your assignments for the last day

Use your last days for revisions. Thus, make sure you balance your studies with the fun with friends. Don’t leave your exam preparations and assignments for last minute because working in haste doesn’t guarantee good quality work.


  • Use your pocket money wisely

As a student, you have access to limited resources and this money must be used wisely to buy books, stationary and going out with friends. Again, you have be budget yourself that your expenses on socialising don’t leave you with little money for college expenses.


  • Develop a wise coping strategy

It is natural for students to feel homesick once you are at the university. However, you have to keep yourself occupied so as to not be bogged down by your emotions and hamper your studies in any way.


  • Bond with your hostel friends and flat mates

One thing that can really make your college life worth remembering is your bonding with your flat mates. This is because these people will be with you all the time, thus, becoming an essential part of your life.


Hence, it can be easily concluded that first year of student life at the University is the foundation for your bright future. So, balance your lives in such a way that this journey is worth remembering.

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